Evansville Arena becoming reality

EVANSVILLE, Ind. (AP) — Evansville officials plan to build a new 11,000-seat arena in conjunction with a major remodeling of a downtown hotel.Work could start as early as next month on what Mayor Jonathan Weinzapfel (WINE’-zap-fuhl) says will be a transformation of the city’s downtown.
The plan announced Monday will put the $127 million arena on a different site than first picked after the city could not agree with property owners on a sale price. The new project will include partial demolition of the existing 470-room Executive Inn.
Developer Browning Investments plans to renovate the remaining 250-room facility, which will be connected to the arena.
Weinzapfel expects the arena to be completed by late 2011. Much of its funding will come from casino tax revenue and local food-and-beverage taxes.

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Anonymous said...

You might want to include your source. Otherwise, it's plagiarism.

Here's the original poster of this article: http://fwnextweb1.fortwayne.com/ns/sports/tailingthekomets/?p=2282

slapshots said...

the only thing is we originally got the article from the link in the blog, not the one you provided.

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