The Pensacola Ice Flyers a proposed expansion team in the Southern Professional Hockey team has announced on their website pensacolaiceflyers.comthat they have surpassed 800 season tickets and now sit at 849. That 849 is 401 less than they need to play this season. Tim Kerr, the teams Owner is confident that they will in fact make that number and begin play this season.
His latest plan to increase sales in released on thier website:
Here is Kerr’s Game Plan –
We have almost 300 individual season ticket holders both corporate and individuals and we need them to find a friend or business associate to purchase one more ticket. Season ticket holders that purchase or sell one more ticket will become a “Friend of Hockey” and their name will be permanently engraved on a plaque that will be displayed at the Civic Center along with Founders Club Members. This will result in 300 more sales
Opening Day Game Jerseys – This is a one-time opportunity to get an opening day jersey from a new team. Game day jerseys have been auctioned off for thousands of dollars during the season. This jersey could be the best. The first 20 businesses or individuals that help sell ten season tickets will be guaranteed the opening home game jersey. Each person or business representative will draw a players name before the home opener and would receive the jersey from the player, with photograph and autograph at the conclusion of the game. This will result in 200 more season tickets. People interested in getting these jerseys should email
Hopefully this team can get off the ground before this season starts.
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